Sunday, April 18, 2010

But, Just What IS a Saxophone?

Now, you may be thinking to yourself after reading the title, how stupid does he think his Blog Buddy is? (I don't know about you, but I definitely suggest referring to oneself as "Blog Buddy" in the third person.) Well, Blog Buddy, you little rascal, usually when people think of a saxophone, they think of this.

The Alto Saxophone

This is the money-making, attention-hogging version of this horn, but, to the surprise of many, there are actually a plethora of saxophones out there such as...   
The Soprano Sax
The Tenor Sax

The Baritone (Bari) Sax

The iconic alto iteration is part of an entire happy saxophone family. It's actually the middle child, between the soprano and tenor, but just to put some more sense to this family, please kindly consider the following image.

From the pint-sized sopranino to the hulking contrabass that towers over six feet tall (and which some say doesn't even exist), saxophones know how to travel in style.


  1. Is the pint-sized sopranino like a piccolo trumpet? Otherwise it just looks like a clarinet .... that's shiny

  2. *coughs* I'm fairly certain that the contrabass is widely accepted as a legitimate instrument. T'was the Subcontrabass that was proposed by Adolphe Sax, but never actually designed. Supposedly it does exist out there somewhere though...
